Dear Friend

Dear Friend,
If you became convinced that God existed, would you be willing to give your life to Him? If so, say, God, if you are real, help me believe. Come back and see us again. (

In the mean time, if you are having thoughts of suicide, please know that your life matters. If you think no one cares, know that we care, even if we don't share your thoughts about God.

Consider this, circumstances are temporary, things change. Wait, give time a chance. Don't let the darkness take you. It may not be what you think. We care and are praying for you.


There are a lot of reasons why people say no to God. Click on the reason that best applies to you.
If you are hurting, look past list below...

I Do Not Believe in God.
A Christian hurt me.
I'm not good enough to know God.
Some other time.
The gospel's not fair, too many people never hear it.
I'm a good person.
I'm Jewish.
There are many paths to God.
I tried it and it didn't work out.

Don't believe in God? Watch this short clip.

Also see:

P.S. If you are depressed, call:
Suicide Helpline:

1800 - SUICIDE
Suicide Prevention Hotline:
National Suicide Hotline:

To read more about my story.

Are you ready to say Yes to Jesus, if so, CLICK HERE.
If you would like to take the questionnaire again, CLICK HERE.

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